
Introducing Streamer™ real-time captioning

  Secure, automated captioning in real-time – Live Speech Transcription         Just in time for this new school year, we are excited to partner with Streamer™ to offer secure and encrypted real-time captioning. Streamer is entirely...

Update to trade-in program

As part of our ongoing effort to keep our popular equipment trade-in program current, we are encouraging customers to redeem their accrued trade-in credits and use these benefits to update their school’s or school board’s systems at a deeply reduced cost....

Making your masked students heard

Masks have become an important protection for your unvaccinated students in this new and challenging in-person school year. Essential as they are in these times, masks can make it difficult to be heard. They can make speech sound softer or muffled, and when your...

Warranty extensions for 2020

In the light of schools closures during the pandemic and the announcement today by the Minister of Education that all Ontario schools will remain closed until September, we have decided to offer an extension until December 31st on Simeon warranties that were due to...

Supporting our schools during Covid-19

In compliance with the most recent Ontario Government directive designating essential workplaces, we are resuming limited operations to support our customers and assist school boards with specialty equipment during the implementation of online learning. At the same...

Seminar 2020 postponed

As a result of the COVID-19 emergency, our Seminar 2020 event in Elora has been postponed until October. Thank you all for your interest in this event, which has had a very enthusiastic response. We look forward to hosting a bigger and better Seminar 2020 with Gail...