

Contact for support or purchasing

Looking for support or interested in purchasing a product or service? Supportive Hearing Systems has a dedicated team available to contact for support or purchasing. Our team strives to be reliable and provide efficient assistance.  Staff are dedicated to providing top-notch support and helping you make informed purchasing decisions. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance with any questions or concerns you may have.

Simeon Canada’s product Line is backed by excellent customer service that prioritizes the needs and satisfaction of its customers above all else. In addition, we understand that a positive customer experience is critical to building long-term relationships and promoting community. Lastly, we invest in training our team to provide empathetic, timely, and effective support that addresses the specific needs and concerns of our clientele.

Contact for support or purchasing. This image is a picture of Supportive hearing systems office which is based in Toronto. They specialize in products and services for assisted listening devices and amplifiers.

Simeon | Supportive Hearing Systems Inc. 

Hours of Business | 8:30am to 5pm – Monday to Friday

283 MacPherson Avenue
Toronto, Ontario  M4V 1A4

Phone: (416) 236-4898
Toll-Free Phone (within Canada): 1 (800) 732-8804

Fax: (416) 483-6210


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