Tune in to the latest buzz in hearing accessibility news across North America! Get ready to explore the fascinating world of soundfield systems, unravel topics of vocal fatigue, and delve into the profound impact technology has on the students learning journey.
From innovative technologies to insightful studies, we’re here to bring you a blend of information and news. Whether you’re an audiologist, educator, or student, enjoy as we dive into articles or studies on all things hearing accessibility related.
Tips for traveling with hearing loss
The FM Advantage in the Real Classroom
The study explores the benefits of personal FM (frequency modulation) systems in enhancing learning for students aged 5 to 15 with sensorineural hearing loss. Participants used FM systems alongside their hearing aids for three months both at school and home. Results showed significant improvements in oral language comprehension, with parents and teachers noting enhanced communication in various situations.
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Hopkins Medicine organized a palatable read discussing Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) that is most often seen in youth. This is a condition where children with normal hearing but difficulty processing what they hear struggle to recognize slight differences in sound, especially when there is background noise. For a detailed and informative read, you’re a click away!
Hearing Loss: Can it Affect a Family's Mental Health?
Yesterday was February 19th which is family day! We hope everyone enjoyed yesterdays family holiday and partook in relaxing activities. Taking time to recharge with your support system is important.
Our team wanted to share a read that covers topics of relatives diagnosed with hearing loss and how it can affect a families mental health.
Today’s read is penned by Nation Wide Children’s Organization partnered with pediatric experts.
Classroom Audio Distribution Systems
University of Alberta completed a study on classroom audio distribution systems which offers valuable insights into optimizing learning environments. It delves into how these systems enhance student engagement, comprehension, and overall academic performance. Reading this study can inform educators, administrators, and policymakers about effective strategies for improving classroom acoustics, benefiting both teachers and students alike.
Education 2.0: Classrooms need a ‘voice lift’ to adapt to the new normal
As countries globally have eased their pandemic measures, the issue of classrooms elevating their sound systems for students remains. Ryan Burr of Gulfbusiness pens a reading that discusses elevating auditory experiences, the evolution of learning spaces, and why effective audio ecosystems are beneficial to student learning in classrooms or hybrid environments.
FM systems for people with hearing loss
“FM Systems for People with Hearing Loss” by Madeleine Burry is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of assistive listening technology. Burry adeptly explores the world of FM systems, unraveling their significance in enhancing communication for individuals and students with hearing impairments. Awesome read from healthyhearing.com
Classroom accommodations for auditory processing disorder
Our first read of 2024 is brought to you by The Understood Team. This compassionate guide is a lifeline for those navigating the challenges of Auditory Processing Disorder. The Understood Team is your beacon of support, offering practical, actionable solutions for creating an inclusive and nurturing learning environment for those diagnosed with APD. By delving into this invaluable resource, you’re not just reading — you’re taking a crucial step towards fostering empathy, breaking down barriers, and championing a brighter future for those with APD.
“Bridging the Gap: Technology in Special Education” by Charley Locke is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and education. An example of educational technology is the soundfield system. Whether you are a teacher, a student, a parent, or simply someone curious about how technology is transforming the world of special education, this article from edsurge.com offers valuable insights and compelling reasons to dive into a read.
“Recent technologies mean you don’t have to single kids out,” says McCord, who has worked to integrate technology into classrooms for over 25 years. She explains that by using tools for special needs students in a general education classroom, educators can help all students learn–together.
Kids wrongly labelled as disruptive, audiologist - JO MOIR
Moir delves into the insights provided by an experienced audiologist, offering a fresh perspective on why some kids may be wrongly labeled as disruptive in the classroom. By reading this article, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how undiagnosed hearing issues can often be mistaken for behavioral problems, and how early intervention and support can make a world of difference for these children
Access this article by Moir provided by stuff.co.nz

Non-auditory Effects of Noise in the Classroom on Teachers
Dr. Pam Millett unravels the correlation between classroom noise and teacher health. In this thought-provoking review, explore the dynamics that shape learning environments and discover the impact on both educators and students.

Auditory Processing Disorder
Three Things to Know About Audio in the K–12 Classroom
Audio quality can make or break student engagement, it’s imperative to have high-quality audio in classrooms for today’s youth. Freelance journalist Tommy Peterson writes an impactful article focusing on three key facts about audio in schools. Peterson designed a brief and easy read for curious minds. You will hear from experts from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Speech Language Hearing Association, and an acoustic scientist. Let us know what your review of this segment was.

Norris Road State School student gains independence thanks to hearing assistance
Soundfield systems continue to pack a positive punch when it comes to bettering the hearing experience for students and teachers alike. Today’s addition to the Hearing Accessibility News page features Rea ( A teacher from Brisbane, Australia ) and her student Maria reading the book ‘Bad Cat’. What makes this unique is the impact of a soundfield system being correctly used in the classroom. An addition of this caliber makes a significant impact on Maria and her classmate’s engagement in school. Teacher Rea was quoted stating, “The student no longer needed to ask for instructions to be repeated or wait to follow the lead of other children”. We do not want to spoil a good read for you and excitedly have attached the link to the article written by Courier Mail with images by AAP/Jono Searle.

Year 3 BCE student’s courageous story makes everyone stop and listen this World Hearing Day
Catholicleader.com.au of Australia provided a motivational read about student Charlie Davis at age eight. Davis experienced a traumatic head injury that negatively impacted areas of his hearing. Charlie delivered a speech to a room of more than 70 attendees detailing his journey to learning to hear again. Davis’s mother happily shared that the school community implemented soundfield amplification systems in all classrooms helping all students hear equally.

Masks and other pandemic measures are necessary at school, but can make it harder to hear in classrooms
Pandemic measures have changed in Ontario as we enter the second half of 2023, but concerns still linger. We wanted to share this well-written article by Pam Millett of York University. Subjects discussed in the article include masks and hearing, ventilation systems, and using soundfield systems with masks. Please take a break and enjoy the read!

Covid-19: The Use of Classroom Audio Distribution Systems (CADS) to Improve Auditory Access for All Students
Pandemic measures included mask coverings that reduced the clarity and speech being shared at a given moment. It can be difficult for a student to be able to correctly process what they hear if the audio is not at its best in clarity. Classroom Audio Distribution systems help students and teachers by evenly distributing audio.
Educational Audiology Association www.edaud.org
1-800-460-7EAA (7322) source: https://www.asha.org/siteassets/uploadedfiles/covid-cads.pdf