Low Vision, what does it mean?
Low vision is defined as having impaired vision that cannot be corrected by glasses, surgery or medication. Individuals whom are partially sighted will have some usable vision that enables them to read standard print with various accommodations. Individuals can use their sight to access printed documents with big print arrangements, amplification or various adaptive tools.
Low vision affects each student and teacher differently and should not be approached with a one size fits all solution.
Providing Support
Students and staff who are impacted by low vision can be better supported by:
★Providing teachers and applicable staff with current reports from an optometrist or ophthalmologist
★Maintaining a positive environment and open communication
★Providing access to assistive tools that can be but are not limited to interactive display boards, magnification software, voice recognition tools and ergonomic devices
★Educate staff about low vision issues to foster understanding and empathy among coworkers.

Beginning in February of 2025,
Simeon Canada and BenQ Canada have announced a partnership.