We understand that this new school year presents special challenges. The use of masks, PPE and physical distancing all have an impact on classroom audibility. Our partners in education have asked us for more video resources to support their classroom teachers and to assist with remote in-servicing. So we have developed three new instructional videos to support classroom teachers to use their soundfield systems to full advantage in this new and transformed school year. There are new step-by-step Quick Start Guides for the most popular soundfield systems – Audita II and the Sprek toteable / voice amplifier. Besides these, we have a short Audita II Easy Connectivity video clip, which illustrates how to make connections to a computer or mobile device to enable two-way communication access to the classroom via the soundfield for remote learners. All three videos are hosted on our homepage and on our Resources page. An excellent choice for an assisted listening device.

We are listening to your needs and challenges as educators. We will be developing additional online resources for our assisted listening device to help you as this unique and challenging school year evolves.